
As lovers of architecture and design, we begin our sightseeing with truly awe-inspiring attractions…

We start our discovery of Kyoto at the Sanjusangendo Hall, built in 1164 A.D. at the request of the emperor. Sanjusangendo, meaning "a hall with 33 bays", is enormously long and holds 1,001 statues of Kannon-Bosatsu. Each of these small images is 5.5 feet tall, carved out of wood and leafed in gold. The hall was designed with 33 bays and it is believed that Buddha saves mankind by disguising himself in 33 different forms.

Abiding by the rules, we did not take any photos inside of the incredible statues, however please enjoy the images of the structure and gardens.

We continue on to a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the superb Kiyomizu temple. According to legend, the priest Enchin erected a hermitage and small chapel here in 788. From the temple's lofty platform, all May enjoy a panoramic view of Kyoto. It is hard to believe that both the main hall and the platform were built without the use of nails or joiners (!).

Special thanks to our colleagues at Abercrombie & Kent USA and our delightful guide Keiko.