Next Stop...Brazil

Kareem George here - from the Rosewood Baha Mar to the Rosewood São Paulo! It is wonderful to be in Brazil under the expert care of my dear colleagues at Abercrombie & Kent USA. These next few weeks I will be showcasing A&K’s newest Luxury Small Group Journey focused on the history and culture of Brazil.

My air routing was through Atlanta, with a direct flight on Delta, departing at 7:10pm. I arrived to Sāo Paulo at 5:30am and the customs line was lengthy, but moved (30 minutes). The longest queue was actual exiting the baggage claim area, which took at least another 30 minutes.

Once on the other side, our A&K Guardian Angel was there to meet us and walk us to our driver. Despite some serious morning traffic the drive went quickly thanks to engaging conversation ranging from history to restaurants.

For now I am slightly weary, but thankful to get into my lovely room (with a wonderful, large balcony!) immediately thanks to a guaranteed early check in courtesy of A&K and the Rosewood. Thank you 🙂

First things first, a workout, shower, and then a relaxing breakfast on the terrace. It is nice to be greeted by a warm (high 60s) sunny day and to decompress in the comfort of such a beautifully designed room. What do you think?

Next on the agenda, a full tour of the property followed by lunch. Stay tuned…